SIX HOURS of Serial Killing Grindhouse Madness on 2 DVDS! The Death Stalker Murders - The weird and sick story of acclaimed horror film director Jimmy Duncan, infamous for his psychotic temper and his unique brand of exploitative movies. Virgin Murders - After viewing a video tape of violent torture, rape, and murder, Victor plummets into darkness as he is hunted by deranged members of a body modification cult. The Goatman Murders - Two carloads of friends are headed to Florida and the only thing on their minds is sex, booze, drugs, and rock and roll when engine trouble sidelines them into a spiral of killing and depravity. Exit 101: Halloween Party - Caleb and his college friends are getting ready for the Halloween party of their lives when they accidentally unleash a secret biological serum into the small town of Lakeshear. 全作ともに日本語字幕、及び吹き替え音声なし。 未開封品です。 視聴にはリージョンフリー環境必須です。 エアキャップなどで包み中身が見えないように梱包し、発送致します。
SIX HOURS of Serial Killing Grindhouse Madness on 2 DVDS! The Death Stalker Murders - The weird and sick story of acclaimed horror film director Jimmy Duncan, infamous for his psychotic temper and his unique brand of exploitative movies. Virgin Murders - After viewing a video tape of violent torture, rape, and murder, Victor plummets into darkness as he is hunted by deranged members of a body modification cult. The Goatman Murders - Two carloads of friends are headed to Florida and the only thing on their minds is sex, booze, drugs, and rock and roll when engine trouble sidelines them into a spiral of killing and depravity. Exit 101: Halloween Party - Caleb and his college friends are getting ready for the Halloween party of their lives when they accidentally unleash a secret biological serum into the small town of Lakeshear. 全作ともに日本語字幕、及び吹き替え音声なし。 未開封品です。 視聴にはリージョンフリー環境必須です。 エアキャップなどで包み中身が見えないように梱包し、発送致します。
バイオレント・サタデー DVD サム・ペキンパー監督
【新品ケース収納】 第七の封印 HDリマスター版 DVD 映画
廃盤 DVD トゥルー・ロマンス 脚本タランティーノ 劇場版パンフレット
誘惑の接吻(キス)(00米) 廃盤セルDVD
未DVD化 アメリカの惨劇 188人を私刑した男 VHS 激レア!シリアルキラー
韓国映画 チョン・ジヒョン 3点 DVDセット
悪魔の毒々 プラトーン バーガー 添加物100% DVD レンタル版
ハネムーン・キラーズ(70米) Blu-ray