Varag Ghoul-ChewerWhen the conversation of greatest Orcs to play Nuffle’s sacred game crops up, as it often does in the various taverns in the Badlands, one name is always mentioned. The now legendary Varag Ghoul-Chewer continues to dominate the sport, growing stronger and tougher with time.Varag is a shockingly good Star Player who deserves a place on any Badlands Brawl and Underworld Challenge team. This brute can even punch through heavy armour, helping to cement his reputation as one of the most violent players in modern Blood Bowl.This finely detailed plastic#bloodbowl#citadel#gamesworkshop#warhammer#ブラッドボウル#ゲームズワークショップ#ウォーハンマー
Varag Ghoul-ChewerWhen the conversation of greatest Orcs to play Nuffle’s sacred game crops up, as it often does in the various taverns in the Badlands, one name is always mentioned. The now legendary Varag Ghoul-Chewer continues to dominate the sport, growing stronger and tougher with time.Varag is a shockingly good Star Player who deserves a place on any Badlands Brawl and Underworld Challenge team. This brute can even punch through heavy armour, helping to cement his reputation as one of the most violent players in modern Blood Bowl.This finely detailed plastic#bloodbowl#citadel#gamesworkshop#warhammer#ブラッドボウル#ゲームズワークショップ#ウォーハンマー
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